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Zhang M., Riecke L., Bonte M. (2024). Cortical tracking of language structures: Modality-dependent and independent responses. Clinical Neurophysiology. 166:56-65. Open Access

Derks B., Kumar V.S., Yadnik S., Panis B., Bosch A.M., Cassiman D., Janssen M.C.H., Schuhmann T., Rubio-Gozalbo M.E., Jansma B.M. Impact of theta transcranial alternating current stimulation on language production in adult classic galactosemia patients. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 47, 703-715. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12742. Open Access.

Bonte M., Brem S. (2024). Unraveling individual differences in learning potential: A dynamic framework for the case of reading development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 66, 101362. Open Access

Mazzini, S., Yadnik, S., Timmers, I., Rubio‐Gozalbo, E., & Jansma, B. M. (2024). Altered neural oscillations in classical galactosaemia during sentence production. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12740. Open Access

Guerra G., Tierney A., Tijms J., Vaessen A., Bonte M., Dick F. (2024). Attentional modulation of neural sound tracking in children with and without dyslexia. Developmental Science. 27, e13420. doi: 10.1111/desc.13420. Open Access


Hannah Bernard (2023). In the event of memory: behavioral and brain processes supporting the formation of episodic memories. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Chyl, K., Gentile, F., Dębska, A., Dynak, A., Łuniewska, M., Wójcik, M., Bonte, M., & Jednoróg, K. (2023). Early reading skills and the ventral occipito-temporal cortex organization. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior160, 134–151. Open Access

Emmendorfer AK, Bonte M, Jansma BM, Kotz SA. (2023). Sensitivity to syllable stress regularities in externally but not self-triggered speech in Dutch. Eur J Neurosci. Apr 30. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37122233. Open Access

Guerra G, Tijms J, Tierney A, Vaessen A, Dick F, Bonte M.  (2023). Auditory attention influences trajectories of symbol-speech sound learning in children with and without dyslexia. J Exp Child Psychol. Sep 2;237:105761. Open Access

Kluskens TJ, Kessler PA, Jansma BM, Kaas A, van de Ven V. (2023). Neural Correlates of Tooth Clenching in Patients with Bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorder-Related Pain. J Oral Facial Pain Headache. Spring;37(2):139-148. Open Access


Bonte, M., & van Atteveldt, N. (2022). Editorial: Capturing developmental brain dynamics. Npj Science of Learning, 7 (11). Open Access.

Eising, E., Mirza-Schreiber, N., de Zeeuw, E. L., Wang, C. A., Truong, D. T., Allegrini, A. G., . . . Fisher, S. E. (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(35), e2202764119. Open Access

Alexandra Emmendorfer (2022). Electrophysiological correlates of phonological and temporal regularities in speech processing. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Janssen TWP, Nieuwenhuis S, Altikulaç S, Vu Tuong V, Meeter M, Bonte M, Jansen BRJ, Magis-Weinberg L, Van Atteveldt N (2022). Mindset and effort during a self-adapted arithmetic task: Variable- and person-oriented approaches. Learning and Motivation, 80, 101840, Open Access

Romanovska, L., Janssen, R. & Bonte, M. (2022). Longitudinal changes in cortical responses to letter-speech sound stimuli in 8–11-year-old children. npj Sci. learn. 7, 2. Open Access.

Ullas, S., Bonte, M., Formisano, E., & Vroomen, J. (2022). Lexical knowledge and audiovisual information: influences on perceptual recalibration. L Holt & A. Lotto (Eds.). Springer Handbook of Auditory Research.

Zhang, M., Riecke, L., Fraga-González, G., & Bonte, M. (2022). Altered brain network topology during speech tracking in developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage, 254, 119142. Open Access

Manli Zhang (2022). Cortical tracking of spoken and written language structures in (dys)fluent readers. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.


Giada Guerra (2021). The contribution of auditory attention to reading processes of school-age children with and without dyslexia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Guerra, G., Tijms, J., Vaessen, A., Tierney, A., Dick, F., Bonte, M. (2021). Loudness and intelligibility of irrelevant background speech differentially hinder children’s short story reading. Mind Brain and Education, 15(1), 77-87. OpenAccess.

Janssen, TWP, Nieuwenhuis, S., Hoefakker, J., Gligoor, PDD, Bonte, M., & van Atteveldt, N. (2021, February 18). Neural correlations of error monitoring and mindset: back to the drawing board? preprint.

Linda Romanovska (2021). /Aba/ or /ada/, that is the question: Longitudinal investigation of letter-speech sound processing in children with and without developmental dyslexia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Romanovska, L., Bonte, M. (2021). How Learning to Read Changes the Listening Brain. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.  Open Access.

Romanovska, L., Janssen, R., Bonte, M. (2021). Cortical responses to letters and ambiguous speech vary with reading skills in dyslexic and typically reading children. NeuroImage Clinical, 30, 102588.  Open Access.

van Atteveldt, N.*, Vandermosten, M.*, Weeda, W.* and Bonte, M.* (2021). How to capture developmental brain dynamics: gaps and solutions. npj Sci. learn. 6, 10. *equal contribution. OpenAccess.

Zhang, M., Amon, A., Hanssen, S., Wu, M., Bonte, M., Riecke, R. (2021). No evidence for modulation of sound rise-time perception by 4-Hz brain oscillations. Brain Stimulation, 14(2). OpenAccess.

Zhang M, Riecke L, Bonte M. (2021). Neurophysiological tracking of speech-structure learning in typical and dyslexic readers. Neuropsychologia, 158, 107889.  Open Access.


Archila-Meléndez, ME, Valente, G., Gommer, ED, Correia, JM, Ten Oever, S., Peters, JC, Reithler, J., Hendriks, M., Cornejo Ochoa, W., Schijns, O., Dings, J., Hilkman, D., Rouhl, R., Jansma, BM, van Kranen-Mastenbroek, V., & Roberts, MJ (2020). Combining Gamma With Alpha and Beta Power Modulation for Enhanced Cortical Mapping in Patients With Focal Epilepsy. Frontiers in human neuroscience , 14 , 555054. Open Access.

Emmendorfer AK, Correia JM, Jansma BM, Kotz SA, Bonte M. (2020). ERP mismatch response to phonological and temporal regularities in speech. Scientific Reports , June 18;10(1):9917. OpenAccess.

Gialluisi, A., Andlauer, TFM, Mirza-Schreiber, N., Moll, K., Becker, J., Hoffmann, P., Ludwig KU, Czamara D, St Pourcain B, Honbolygó F, Tóth D, Csépe V, Huguet H, Chaix Y, Iannuzzi S, Demonet JF, Morris AP, Hulslander J, Willcutt EG, DeFries JC, Olson RK, Smith SD, Pennington BF, Vaessen A, Maurer U, Lyytinen H, Peyrard-Janvid M, Leppänen PHT, Brandeis D, Bonte M, Stein JF, Talcott JB, Fauchereau F, Wilcke A, Kirsten H, Müller B, Francks C, Bourgeron T, Monaco AP, Ramus F, Landerl K, Kere J, Scerri TS, Paracchini S, Fisher SE , Schumacher J, Nöthen MM, Müller-Myhsok B, Schulte-Körne G (2020). Genome Wide Association Study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia.Molecular Psychiatry . OpenAccess.

Vandermosten, M. Correia, J., Vanderauwera, J., Wouters, J., Ghesquiere, P., Bonte, M. (2020). Brain activity patterns of phonemic representations are atypical in beginning readers with family risk for dyslexia. Developmental Science. 23(1): e12857. Link to publication.


Romanovska, L., Janssen, R., and Bonte M. (2019). Reading-induced shifts in speech perception in dyslexic and typically reading children. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:221. OpenAccess.

Gialluisi A, Andlauer TFM, Mirza-Schreiber N, Moll K, Hoffmann P, Ludwig KU, Czamara D, Francks C, St Pourcain B, Brandler W, Honbolygo F, Toth D, Csepe V, Huguet G, Morris AP, Hulslander J , Willcutt EG, DeFries JC, Olson RK, Smith SD, Pennington BF, Vaessen A, Maurer U, Lyytinen H, Peyrard-Janvid M, Leppanen PHT, Brandeis D, Bonte M, Stein JF, Talcott J, Fauchereau F, Bourgeron T , Monaco AP, Ramus F, Landerl K, Kere J, Scerri TS, Paracchini S, Fisher SE, Schumacher J, Nothen MM, Muller-Myhsok B, Schulte-Korne G (2019). Genome Wide Association Scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia. Transl Psychiatry 9, 77. Open Access.

2018 en ouder

Žarić, G., Timmers, I., Gerretsen P., Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., Van der Molen, M., Blomert, L., Bonte, M. (2018). Altered white matter connectivity in 8-10 year old dyslexic and typically reading children. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:1147. OpenAccess.

Keetels, M., Bonte, M., Vroomen, J. (2018). A Selective Deficit in Phonetic Recalibration by Text in Developmental Dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:710. OpenAccess.

Bonte, M., Correia, JM, Keetels, M., Vroomen, J. Formisano, E (2017). Reading-induced shifts of perceptual speech representations in auditory cortex. Scientific Reports . Jul 11;7(1):5143. OpenAccess.

Mario Archila Melendez (2018). The bold intracranial oscillations: Speech representation in the brain under selective attention and its clinical applications. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Gao, X., Gentile, F. & Rossion, B. Fast periodic stimulation (FPS): a highly effective approach in fMRI brain mapping. Brain Structure Function 223, 2433–2454 (2018). OpenAccess.

Archila-Meléndez, M., Kranen-Mastenbroek, V., Valente, G., Correia, J., Gommer, E., Jansma, B., Rouhl, R., Roberts M. (2018). S09. The role of oscillatory activity in attentive speech perception: An Ecog study in epilepsy patients, Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 129, Supplement 1. Open Access.

Archila-Meléndez, ME, Valente, G., Correia, JM, Rouhl, R., van Kranen-Mastenbroek, VH, & Jansma, BM (2018). Sensorimotor Representation of Speech Perception. Cross-Decoding of Place of Articulation Features during Selective Attention to Syllables in 7T fMRI. eNeuro , 5 (2), ENEURO.0252-17.2018. OpenAccess.

Fraga González, G., Žarić, G., Tijms, J., Bonte, M. & van der Molen, MW (2017). Contributions of Letter-Speech Sound Learning and Visual Print Tuning to Reading Improvement. Brain Sciences, 7(1), 10. Open Access.

Žarić, G., Correia, JM, Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., van der Molen, M., Blomert, L., Bonte, M. (2017). Altered patterns of effective connectivity within the reading network of dyslexic children and their relation to reading dysfluency. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1-13. OpenAccess.

van Erven, B., Jansma, BM, Rubio-Gozalbo, ME et al. Exploration of the Brain in Rest: Resting-State Functional MRI Abnormalities in Patients with Classic Galactosemia. Sci Rep 7, 9095 (2017). OpenAccess.

Gentile, F., Ales, J., & Rossion, B. (2017). Being BOLD: The neural dynamics of face perception. Human Brain Mapping, 38(1), 120–139. OpenAccess.

Gonny Willems (2017). Transition to literacy: the cognitive challenges underlying emergent reading in children at familial risk for dyslexia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Bonte, M., Ley, A., Scharke, W. and Formisano, E. (2016). Developmental refinement of cortical systems for speech and voice processing NeuroImage , 128 :373-84. Link to publication.

Fraga González, G., Van der Molen, MJW, Žarić, G., Bonte, M., Tijms, J., Blomert, L., Stam, CJ, Van der Molen, MW (2016). Graph Analysis of EEG Resting State Functional Networks in Dyslexic Readers. Clinical Neurophysiology.127(9): 3165-75. OpenAccess.

Fraga González, G., Žarić, G., Tijms, J., Bonte, M., Blomert, L., Leppänen, P., & van der Molen, MW (2016). Responsivity to dyslexia training indexed by the N170 amplitude of the brain potential elicited by word reading. Brain and Cognition , 106, 42-54. OpenAccess.

Keetels, M., Schakel, L., Bonte, M., Vroomen, J. (2016). Phonetic Recalibration of Speech by Text. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(3) : 938-45. OpenAccess.

Timmers, I., Roebrock, A., Bastiani, M., Jansma, B., Rubio-Gozalbo, E., Zhang, H. (2016). Assessing Microstructural Substrates of White Matter Abnormalities: A Comparative Study Using DTI and NODDI.Plos One. OpenAccess.

Timmers, I., van der Korput, L., Jansma, B., Rubio-Gozalbo, E., (2016). Gray matter density decreases as well as increases in patients with classic galactosemia: A voxel-based morphometry study. Brain Research, 1648, Part A, 339-344. Link to publication.

Petras, K., ten Oever, S., Jansma, B. (2016). The Effect of Distance on Moral Engagement: Event Related Potentials and Alpha Power are Sensitive to Perspective in a Virtual Shooting Task. Frontiers in Psychology. OpenAccess. 

Willems, G., Jansma, B., Blomert, L., & Vaessen, A. (2016). Cognitive and familial risk evidence converged: A data-driven identification of distinct and homogeneous subtypes within the heterogeneous sample of reading disabled children. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53-54, 213-231. Link to publication.

Gojko Žarić (2016). Neural correlates of (dys)fluent reading acquisition in typically reading and dyslexic children. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Gorka Fraga González (2015). Fixing Fluency: Neurocognitive assessment of a Dysfluent Reading Intervention. Doctoral Thesis. University of Amsterdam.

Joao Correia (2015). Neural Coding of Speech and Language, fMRI and EEG studies. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., Žarić, G., Bonte, M., Blomert, L., & van der Molen, MW (2015). A randomized controlled trial on the beneficial effects of training letter-speech sound integration on reading fluency in children with dyslexia.PLoS ONE, 10(12) , e0143914. OpenAccess.

Correia J., Jansma BM, Bonte M. (2015). Decoding Articulatory Features from fMRI Responses in Dorsal Speech Regions. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(45), 15015-15025. OpenAccess.

Žarić, G., Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., Van der Molen, M., Blomert, L., and Bonte, M. (2015). Crossmodal deficit in dyslexic children: practice affects the neural timing of letter-speech sound integration. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 369. Open Access.

Correia J., Jansma BM, Hausfeld L., Kikkert S., Bonte M. (2015). EEG decoding of spoken words in bilingual listeners: from words to language invariant semantic-conceptual representations. Frontiers in Psychology , 6.  Open Access.

Formisano, E, Moerel, M, & Bonte, M (2015). Functional MRI of the Auditory cortex, K. Uludag & K. Ugurbil (Eds.) Functional MRI: from nuclear spins to cognitive neuroscience. New York: Springer.

Pullens, P., Pullens, W., Blau, V., Sorger, B., Jansma, B., Goebel, R. (2015). Evidence for normal letter-sound integration, but altered language pathways in a case of recovered Landau–Kleffner Syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 99, 32-45. Link to publication.

Timmers, I., van den Hurk, R., Hofman, P., Zimmermann, LI, Uludag, L., Jansma, B., Rubio-Gozalbo, E. (2015). Affected functional networks associated with sentence production in classic galactosemia. Brain Research, 1616, 166-176. Link to publication.

Quadflieg, S., Gentile, F., & Rossion, B. (2015). The neural basis of perceiving person interactions. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 70.5–20. Link to publication.

Timmers, I., Zhang, H., Bastiani, M. et al. (2015). White matter microstructure pathology in classic galactosemia revealed by neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging. J Inherit Metab Dis 38, 295–304. OpenAccess.

Lars Hausfeld (2014). Neural coding of speaker identity : methodological and ermpirical contributions. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Inge Timmers (2014). The brain speaks: functional and structural correlates of language production impairments in classic galactosemia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Žarić, G., Fraga González, G., Tijms, J., van der Molen, MW, Blomert, L., & Bonte, M. (2014). Reduced Neural Integration of Letters and Speech Sounds in Dyslexic Children Scales with Individual Differences in Reading Fluency. PLoS ONE,9(10), e110337. OpenAccess.

Fraga González, G., Žarić, G., Tijms, J., Bonte, M., Blomert, L., van der Molen, M. (2014). Brain-potential analysis of visual word recognition in dyslexics and typically reading children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 1-14. Open Access.

Bonte M, Hausfeld L, Scharke W, Valente G, Formisano E (2014) Task-dependent decoding of speaker and vowel identity from auditory cortical response patterns. Journal of Neuroscience , 34 (13), 4548-4557. Open Access.

Correia, J. Formisano, E., Valente, G., Hausfeld, L., Jansma, B., and Bonte, M. (2014). Brain-based translation: fMRI decoding of spoken words in bilinguals reveals language-independent semantic representations in anterior temporal lobe. Journal of Neuroscience , 34(1) , 332–338. OpenAccess.

Kessels, L., Ruiter, R., Wouters, L., Jansma, B., (2014). Neuroscientific evidence for defensive avoidance of fear appeals. International Journal of Psychology, 49, 2. Open Access.

Gentile, F., Rossion, B. (2014). Temporal frequency tuning of cortical face-sensitive areas for individual face perception. NeuroImage, 90, 256-265. Link to publication.

Job van den Hurk (2013). On neural integration of faces and semantics. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University

Timmers, I., Gentile, F., Rubio-Gozalbo, E., Jansma, B. (2013). Temporal Characteristics of Online Syntactic Sentence Planning: An Event-Related Potential Study. Plos One, 1. Plos one, 2013;8(12):e82884. OpenAccess.

Bonte, M., Frost, M., Rutten, S., Ley, A., Formisano, E., and Goebel, R. (2013). Development from childhood to adulthood increases morphological and functional inter-individual variability in the right superior temporal cortex, NeuroImage, 83, 739-750. Link to publication.

Bonte, M., and Formisano E. (2012). Dynamic and task-dependent encoding of speech and voice in the auditory cortex, pp. 263-274. In: Speech Perception and Auditory Disorders. Eds.: T. Dau, ML Jepsen, T. Poulsen, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard. The Danavox Jubilee Foundation, Denmark.

Hausfeld, L., De Martino, F., Bonte, M., Formisano, E. (2012). Pattern Analysis of EEG Responses to Speech and Voice: Influence of Feature Grouping. NeuroImage, 59(4), 3641-51. Link to publication.

Waisbren, SE, Potter, NL, Gordon, CM, Green, R.C., Greenstein, P., Gubbels, CS, Rubio-Gozalbo, E., Schomer, D., Welt, C., Anastasoaie, V., D’Anna , K., Gentile, J., Guo, CY, Hecht, L., Jackson, R., Jansma, BM, Li, Y., Lip, V., Miller, DT, Murray, M., … Berry, GT (2012). The adult galactosemic phenotype. Journal of inherited metabolic disease, 35(2), 279–286. Link to publication.

Timmers I, Jansma BM, Rubio-Gozalbo ME. From mind to mouth: event related potentials of sentence production in classic galactosemia. PloS one, 2012;7(12):e52826. OpenAccess.

Siep N, Roefs A, Roebroeck A, Havermans R, Bonte M, Jansen A (2012). Fighting food temptations: the modulating effects of short-term cognitive reappraisal, suppression and up-regulation on mesocorticolimbic activity related to appetitive motivation. NeuroImage, 60(1), 213-20. Link to publication.

Renvall H, Formisano E, Parviainen T, Bonte M, Vihla M, and Salmelin R. (2012) Parametric Merging of MEG and fMRI Reveals Spatiotemporal Differences in Cortical Processing of Spoken Words and environmental Sounds in Background Noise. Cerebral Cortex, 22(1),132-143. OpenAccess.

Timmers, I., Jansma, B., Rubio-Gozalbo E. (2012). From Mind to Mouth: Event Related Potentials of Sentence Production in Classic Galactosemia. Plos One. OpenAccess.

Gentile F, Jansma BM. Temporal dynamics of face selection mechanism in the context of similar and dissimilar faces: ERP evidence for biased competition within the ventral occipito-temporal cortex using ICA. Neuroimage, 2012 Jan 2;59(1):682-94. Link to publication.

de Borst AW, Sack AT, Jansma BM, Esposito F, de Martino F, Valente G et al. Integration of “what” and “where” in frontal cortex during visual imagery of scenes. Neuroimage, 2012 Mar;60(1):47-58. Link to publication.

Zimmermann J, Roebroeck A, Uludag K, Sack AT, Formisano E, Jansma B, De Weerd P, Goebel R. (2012). Network-based statistics for a community driven transparent publication process. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. OpenAccess.

Francesco Gentile (2011). Context dependent faceselection in a visual and semantic perspective. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Ye Z, Habets B, Jansma BM, Munte TF. Neural basis or linearization in speech production. J Cogn Neurosci, 2011 Nov;23(11):3694-702. OpenAccess.

van den Hurk J, Gentile F, Jansma BM. What’s behind a Face: Person Context Coding in Fusiform Face Area as Revealed by Multivoxel Pattern Analysis. Cereb Cortex, 2011, 2893-99. OpenAccess.

Timmers I, van den Hurk J, Di Salle F, Rubio-Gozalbo ME, Jansma BM. Language production and working memory in classic galactosemia from a cognitive neuroscience perspective: future research directions. J Inherit Metab Dis, 2011 Apr;34(2):367-76. OpenAccess.

Kessels LT, Ruiter RA, Brug J, Jansma BM. The effects of tailored and threatening nutrition information on message attention. Evidence from an event-related potential study. Appetite, 2011 Feb;56(1):32-8. Link to publication.

Hammer A, Jansma BM, Tempelmann C, Munte TF. Neural mechanisms of anaphoric reference revealed by FMRI. Front Psycho, 2011; 2:32. OpenAccess.

Gentile F, Jansma BM. Temporal dynamics of face selection mechanism in the context of similar and dissimilar faces: ERP evidence for biased competition within the ventral occipito-temporal cortex using ICA Neuroimage, 2011: 682-94. Link to publication.

Kessels LT, Ruiter RA, Jansma BM. Increased attention but more efficient disengagement: neuroscientific evidence for defensive processing of threatening health information. Health Psychol, 2010 Jul;29(4):346-54. Link to publication.

Kessels LT, Ruiter RA, Brug J, Jansma BM. The effects of tailored and threatening nutrition information on message attention. Evidence from an event-related potential study. Appetite, 2010 Feb;56(1):32-8. Link to publication.

Goffaux V, Peters J, Haubrechts J, Schiltz C, Jansma B, Goebel R. From Coarse to Fine? Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Cortical Face Processing. Cereb Cortex, 2010 Jun 24. Open Access.

Gentile F, Jansma BM. Neural competition through visual similarity in face selection. Brain Res, 2010 Sep 10;1351:172-84. Link to publication.

Dries Froyen (2011). Developmental Electrophysiological studies of letter-speech sound processing in normal reading and dyslexia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Riecke, L., Esposito, F., Bonte, M., and Formisano, E. (2009). Hearing illusory sounds in noise: the timing of sensory-perceptual transformations in auditory cortex. Neuron, 64, 550-561. OpenAccess.

Siep, N., Roefs, A., Roebroeck, A., Havermans, R., Bonte, ML, and Jansen, A. (2009). Hunger is the best spice: an fMRI study of the effects of attention, hunger and calorie content on food reward processing in the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex. Behavioral Brain Research, 198, 149-158. Link to publication.

Bonte, M., Valente, G., and Formisano, E. (2009). Dynamic and task-dependent encoding of speech and voice by phase reorganization of cortical oscillations, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(6), 1699-1706. OpenAccess.

Froyen, DJ, Bonte, ML, Van Atteveldt, N., and Blomert, L. (2009). The long road to automation: Neurocognitive development of letter – speech sound processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(3), 567-580. Link to publication.

Bölte, J., Jansma, BM, Zilverstand, A., Zwitserlood, P. (2009). Derivational morphology approached with event-related potentials. The mental lexicon 2009, 4(3):336-353. Link to publication.

Steffen, AC, Rockstroh, B., Jansma, BM (2009). Brain evoked potentials reflect how emotional faces influence our decision making. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 2009, 2(2):32-40. Link to publication.

Formisano, E., De Martino, F., Bonte, M., and Goebel, R. (2008). ”Who’s saying ‘what’? Brain-based decoding of human voice and speech, Science, 322, 970-973. Link to publication.

Froyen, D., Van Atteveldt, N. Bonte, M. and Blomert, L. (2008). Cross-modal enhancement of the MMN to phonemes indicates automatic processing of grapheme-phoneme correspondences, Neuroscience Letters, 430(1), 23-38. Link to publication.

Hammer, A., Jansma, BM, Lamers, M., Münte, TF (2008). Interplay of meaning, syntax and working memory during pronoun resolution investigated by ERPs. Brain Research, 1230, 177-91. Link to publication.

Habets, B., Jansma, BM, and Münte, TF (2008). Neurophysiological correlations of linearization in language production. BMC Neuroscience, 9, 77. Open Access.

Severens, E., Jansma, BM, Hartsuiker, R. (2008). Morphophonological influences on the comprehension of subject-verb agreement: an ERP study. Brain Research, 1228, 135-144. Link to publication.

Lamers, MJ, Jansma, BM, Hammer, A., and Münte, TF (2008). Differences in the processing of anaphoric reference between closely related languages: neurophysiological evidence. BMC Neuroscience, 9, 55. Open Access.

Hirschfeld, G., Jansma, B., Bölte, J., and Zwitserlood, P. (2008). Interference and facilitation in overt speech production investigated with event-related potentials. Neuroreport, 19(12), 1227-1230. Link to publication.

Bles, M.and Jansma, B.M. (2008). Phonological processing of ignored distractor pictures, an fMRI investigation. BMC Neuroscience, 9.20. OpenAccess.

Marek, A., Habets, B., Jansma, BM, Nager, W., and Münte, TF (2008). Neural correlates of conceptualization difficulties during the preparation of complex utterances. Aphasiology, 21 (12), 1147–1156. Link to publication.

Bonte, ML, Poelmans, H., and Blomert, L. (2007) Dyslexic children show deviant neural processing of statistical regularities in phonology, Neuropsychologia, 45, 1427-1437. Link to publication.

Langeslag, SJ, Jansma, BM, Franken, IH, Van Strien, JW (2007). Event-related potential responses to love-related facial stimuli. Biol Psychol, 76, 109-15. Link to publication.

Bles, M., Alink, A., and Jansma, B.M. (2007). Neural aspects of cohort-size reduction during visual gating. Brain Research. 1150, 143-54. Link to publication.

Möller, J., Jansma, BM, and Münte, TF (2007). What the brain does before the tongue briefs. Cerebral Cortex, 17(5), 1173-8. OpenAccess.

Hammer, A., Goebel, R., Schwarzbach, J., Münte, TF, and Jansma, BM (2007). When sex meets syntactic gender on a neural basis during pronoun processing. Brain Research, 1146, 185-98. Link to publication.

Bonte, M., Parviainen, T., Hytönen, K., and Salmelin, R. (2006). Time course of top-down and bottom-up influences on syllable processing in the auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 16, 115-123. OpenAccess.

Schiller, NO, Schuhmann, T., Neyndorff, AC, and Jansma, BM (2006). The infuence of semantic category membership on syntactic decisions: A study using event-related brain potentials. Brain Research, 1082, 153-164. Link to publication.

Lamers, MJA, Jansma, BM, Hammer, A., and Münte, TF (2006). Neural correlates of semantic and syntactic processes in the comprehension of case marked pronouns: Evidence from German and Dutch. BMC Neuroscience, 7:23, 1-12. OpenAccess.

Schiller, N.0., Jansma, BM, Peters, J., and Levelt, WJM (2006). Monitoring metrical stress in polysyllabic words. In Antje Meyer, and Linda Wheeldon (Eds.), Language Production across the lifespan (pp. 112-140), Psychology Press, New York.

Ruiter, RAC, Kessels, L., Jansma, BM, and Brug, J. (2006). Increased attention for computer-tailored health communications: an event-related potential study. Health Psychology, 25, 300-6. Link to publication.

Bles, M., Schwarzbach, J., de Weerd, P., Goebel, R., and Jansma, BM (2006) Receptive field size-dependent attention effects in simultaneously presented stimulus displays. Neuroimage, 30, 506-511. Link to publication.

Schiller, N.0., Jansma, BM, Peters, J., and Levelt, WJM (2006). Monitoring metrical stress in polysyllabic words. Language and cognitive processing, 21, 112-140. Link to publication.

Milene Bonte (2005). Between Sounds and Words. Neurophysiological studies on speech processing in adults, normally reading children, and children with developmental dyslexia. Doctoral Thesis. Maastricht University.

Bonte, ML, Mitterer, H., Zellagui, N., Poelmans, H., and Blomert, L. (2005). Auditory cortical tuning to statistical regularities in phonology. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116, 2765-2774. Link to publication.

van de Ven, VG, Formisano, E., Roder, CH, Prvulovic, D., Bittner, RA, Dietz MG, Hubl D, Dierks T, Federspiel A, Esposito F, Di Salle F, Jansma, B., Goebel, R., and Linden, DE (2005). The spatiotemporal pattern of auditory cortical responses during verbal hallucinations. Neuroimage, 27, 644-655. Link to publication.

Hammer, A., Jansma, BM, Lamers, M., Münte, TF (2005). Pronominal reference in sentences about persons or things: An electrophysiological approach. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 227-239. Link to publication.

Bonte, M.L. and Blomert, L. (2004). Developmental dyslexia: ERP correlates of anomalous phonological processing during spoken word recognition. Cognitive Brain Research, 21(3), 360-376. Link to publication.

Bonte, M. and Blomert, L. (2004). Developmental changes in ERP correlates of spoken word recognition during early school years: A phonological priming study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 409-423. Link to publication.

Jansma, BM, and Schiller, NO (2004). Monitoring Syllable Boundaries during Speech Production. Brain and Language, 90, 311-317. Link to publication.

Jansma, BM, Möller, J., Rodriguez-Fornells, A., and Münte, TF (2004). Electrophysiology of Sprachproduction. Clinical Neurophysiology, 35, 1-8. Link to publication.

Schmitt, BM, Schiller, NO, Rodriguez-Fornells, A., and Munte, TF (2004). Electrophysiological Study of the Zeitverlauf von Sprachprozessen. In Horst M. Müller & Gert Rickheit (Hrsg.), Neurokognition der Sprache (p. 51-70), Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen, Germany.

Jansma, BM, Rodriguez-Fornells, A., Möller, J., and Münte, TF (2004). Electrophysiological studies of speech production. In Thomas Pechmann, and Christoffer Habel (Eds.), Multidisciplinary approaches to language production (pp. 361-395). Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin.

Schiller, NO, Bles, M., and Jansma, B.M. (2003). Tracking the time course of phonological encoding in speech production: An event-related brain potential study. Cognitive Brain Research, 819-831. Link to publication.

Schiller, NO, Munte, TF, Horemans, I., and Jansma, BM (2003). The influence of semantic and phonological factors on syntactic decisions: An event-related brain potential study. Psychophysiology, 869-877. Link to publication.

Kutas, M., and Schmitt, B.M. (2003): Language in Microvolts. In MT Banich and M. Mack (Eds.), Mind, brain, and language: Multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 171-109). Lawrence Erlbaum.

Wouters, L., Ruiter, R., & Schmitt, B. (2003). The effects of threatening advertising advertisements on attention: A social neurocognitive approach. In E. van Dijk, & D. Wigboldus (Eds.), Yearbook Social Psychology 2002: Association of Social Psychological Researchers (ASPO) (vol. 2). Delft: Eburon.

Van Turennout, M., Schmitt, B.M., and Hagoort, P. (2003). When words come to mind: Electrophysiological insights on the time course of speaking and understanding words. In Niels O. Schiller, and AS Meyer (Eds.), Phonetics and phonology in language comprehension and production: Differences and similarities (p. 241-277). Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin.

Schmitt, B. M. (2003). The generation of anaphoric pronouns. In G. Rickheit, Th. Herrmann, and W. Deutsch (Eds.), Psycholinguistics – An international Handbook (p. 409-421), De Gruyter, Berlin.

Schmitt, B. M. (2003). The Comprehension of Anaphoric Pronouns. In G. Rickheit, Th. Herrmann, and W. Deutsch (Eds.), Psycholinguistics – An international Handbook (p. 664-678), De Gruyter, Berlin.

Schmitt, B. M., Lamers, M., and Munte, T. F. (2002). Electrophysiological estimates of biological and syntactic gender access during pronoun processing. Cognitive Brain Research,14:333-46. Link to publication.

Rodriguez-Fornells, A., Schmitt, BM, Kutas, M., and Munte, TF (2002). Electrophysiological estimates of the time course of semantic and phonological encoding during listening and naming. Neuropsychology, 40, 778-787. Link to publication.

Schmitt, BM, Rodriguez-Fornells, A., Kutas, M., and Munte, TF (2001). Electrophysiological estimates of semantic and syntactic information access during tacit picture naming and listening to words. Neuroscience Research, 41, 293-298. Link to publication.

Schmitt, BM, Schiltz, K., Zaake, W., Kutas, M., and Münte, T. (2001). An electrophysiological analysis of the time course of conceptual and syntactic encoding during implicit picture naming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13(4), 510-522. Link to publication.

Schmitt, B. M., Munte, T., and Kutas, M. (2000). Electrophysiological estimates of the time course of semantic and phonological encoding during implicit picture naming. Psychophysiology, 37, 473-484. Link to publication.

Schmitt, BM, Meyer, AS, and Levelt, WJM (1999). Lexical access in the production of pronouns. Cognition, 69, 313-335. Link to publication.